Fit Files no. 3

Making the commitment to exercise with no excuse once a week has really motivated me, put me in a much better mood. These last two weeks, I have been getting better sleep and feeling a lot better.  The conscious decision to be active, has motivated me to  eat smarter and healthier. By that, I mean that I have been eating smaller portions of everything and cooking up recipes with less bad things in them. Call me crazy but I do feel a lot lighter (still haven't weighed myself). Even thought about going back to making after workout smoothies except that the day I decided to start my blender broke. I've had it since 2012.

Let's talk gym. Right now my routine consists of your basic cardio on the treadmill (boring), and THIS arm exercise. Basically the same at week one. Thinking about adding a little more intensity to it. Well, as much intensity I can while being in the presence of other people without making myself look like a complete fool.

To try this week: 
- 45 minutes of cardio non stop. Last time I had done that was in high school
- Go for a walk, like outside twice this week. It should be interesting considering my awful allergies.
- THIS 5 minute cardio workout (on non gym days)
- THIS  recipe from Minimalist Baker. Banana bread is such a convenient recipe to make especially when bananas start to go ripe, or bad. 
